From 2006 to 2012 I served as the Newsletter Editor for the Maryland Acupuncture Society. Over the course of 6 years I wrote many articles on or about acupuncture. A few of the articles were about me personally and my journey to help as many people as I could.
Every three to four months I would write an article titled “Clinical Pearls.” In these articles I would give the best techniques or protocols that I know to treat certain conditions.
I would like to share a few of these articles with you. You don’t need to know anything about acupuncture (or even how to spell it) to understand what I am saying. Here is a hint: Think about how Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid taught Daniel to become a great fighter. He taught Daniel to “wax on/wax off”. In my first article that I will share with you I employ the same concept…just read the article to see what I mean.